At Current rates we will be looking to the end of the centruy to have workplace equality. Do we need something more dramatic?
The CEOs of over 800 companies have signed a letter saying there is an improvement in diversity, so why do 42% of US workforce still experience racism at work?
A letter has been signed by over 800 CEOs stating that over the last year, diversity and inclusion efforts have been prioritised. This letter is signed for some of the largest global players, including the likes of JP Morgan & Ford. The push from the CEOs is driven by a single body, CEO Action. The largest business driven coalition to advance Diversity and Inclusion at work.
The CEOs seem to be making the right moves, there has been an increase of 30% for D&I related jobs according to Glassdoor, and since the inception of the CEO Action group, 91% of corporate executives say they have increased their accountability on D&I and prioritised the issue with their board of directors.
These make great headlines for CEOs looking to appease the public for the need of Diversity and Inclusion in the work place. Every large company has some form of D&I strategy, however, rather than continual nudges in the right direction, it may be time some companies take more drastic action.
The opportunities for a company who truly believe equality and diversity are huge. They will have first pick of the best talent as over 2 thirds of candidates now consider a company’s diversity policy. They will be more reflective of the customer, more innovative, more productive and most importantly, generate more sales.
The most surprising fact is that the above is not an opinion or just basic common sense. The above statements have been proven through various studies over the last 15 years. Newer, more innovative companies are looking at the research and taking large parts of market share. It may be time that one of the CEOs stands up and implement a transformative program in one of these juggernauts. Studies have found, at current rates of change, it will take between 35 – 60 years to resolve the gender pay gap with the racial pay gap even longer. It will be difficult; bias is deeply engrained into these organisations as with wider society. It may be time to rip off the plaster and make the drastic change that’s needed.
At Ohcul jobs, we promote diversity within the workplace through removing the opportunity for people’s unconscious bias to reflect in the recruitment process.
Employee diversity provides a number of benefits to any organisation (large and small). Ethnically diverse companies perform 35% better than their industry median and gender diverse companies are 15% more likely to haver returns above the industry median. With the national customer base becoming more diverse, it is important that a company is representative to fully understand its clients’ needs and, according to the latest research, 67% of employees cite a diverse workforce is a key factor when looking at a role.
At Ohcul, we remove the opportunity for hidden bias from a CV review stage. Our unique tool removes identifying data from a clients CV allowing a recruiter to progress the best candidates.
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