Diversity targets in Holyrood


The Scottish National Party set a target for a minimum number of candidates from BAME and disabled communities.

Following a very strong initiation in being a diverse parliament. Holyrood now lacks behind many other world parliaments in its diversity reputation has taken a hit.


Over the last 20 years I has dropped in women representation to 30th and currently boasts only 4 BAME MSPs.


SNP aims to improve diversity of the next generation of MSPs, with all women contests for certain seats to target a 50/50 split in gender.


IN addition to gender equality, a target of an additional 4 people from the BAME community and at least 2 people from the disabled community.


Hannah Stevens, director of The Parliament Project said all parties have to be “Brave and Bold”


“I really hope over next year’s Scottish Parliament election and the council elections the following year we are really going to see progress,” she said


She pointed out there has only ever been one woman of colour to represent Scotland in any parliament – Tasmina Ahmed-Sheikh, who was SNP MP for Ochil and South Perthshire from 2015-2017.

“It will be such a disappointment if next year we don’t have a Scottish woman of colour in the Scottish Parliament — it will be devastating,” Stevens said.

“This is such an opportunity to take another important step forward.”

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