Diverstiy in Tech


How is Big Tech performing on its Diversity Targets

Following pressure from diversity advocates, earlier in the decade large technology companies agreed to publish their employee diversity statistics. Many global organisations including some of silicon valley’s large technology companies now publish and annual diversity report.

However, this change has not bought through the significant improvement that was hoped. Half the millennials consider diversity and inclusion as an important factor when considering a new role, this number drops to approximately a third with other age groups, however still large enough to be considered significant.

Analysis of the published data shows some of the largest technology companies are consistently failing to meet their own diversity targets. Given the increasing influence that these companies posses over our every day lives, this issue becomes even more apparent.

Companies from the United States with 100 employees (or 50 employees and a large federal contract) are required to publish their statistics to the US government through the Equal Employment Opportunity Survey (EEO-1). This is a one-page report covering race and gender. It does not include disability, age or sexual orientation. This report is also not published to public.

Following pressure from activist groups in the last decade, some tech companies were pressured to publish the EEO- 1 to the public. By 2014, nearly 30 tech companies were publishing their data publicly.

Shortly after, a whole new genre of corporate diversity webpages emerged, showing happy & diverse staff who are well represented. However, a further look into the statistics shows that this is not the case. Senior leadership amongst technology companies still struggle to have a diverse representation.

Management amongst tech companies remains largely white and male. In engineering roles Asian Americans are well represented, the most depressing statistic it that African Americans are only well represented in companies which offer the least pay due to the number of warehousing roles.

Some companies are also actively looking to skew statistics to look more favourable. Such as people identifying in two categories ( ie black & latin) will get double counted.

At Ohcul jobs, we promote diversity within the workplace through removing the opportunity for people’s unconscious bias to reflect in the recruitment process.

Employee diversity provides a number of benefits to any organisation (large and small). Ethnically diverse companies perform 35% better than their industry median and gender diverse companies are 15% more likely to haver returns above the industry median. With the national customer base becoming more diverse, it is important that a company is representative to fully understand its clients’ needs and, according to the latest research, 67% of employees cite a diverse workforce is a key factor when looking at a role.

At Ohcul, we remove the opportunity for hidden bias from a CV review stage. Our unique tool removes identifying data from a clients CV allowing a recruiter to progress the best candidates.

If you would like some more information you can contact us on info@ohcul.com or visit the web site www.ohcul.com

Original artical https://www.fastcompany.com/90428465/see-big-techs-terrible-diversity-record-visualized-using-its-logos